paramento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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paramento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Paramento" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Paramento" refers to decorative elements, often in a religious context, that adorn churches or altars. It can also mean any kind of ornamental piece or decoration in architecture and general design. The term is not used frequently in everyday conversation, making its occurrence more common in written contexts, particularly in literature related to art, architecture, and religion.

Example Sentences

  1. El paramento de la iglesia estaba cubierto con hermosos bordados dorados.
  2. The parament of the church was covered with beautiful golden embroideries.

  3. Durante la misa, se mostró un paramento nuevo que fue donado por la comunidad.

  4. During the mass, a new parament that had been donated by the community was displayed.

  5. Los arquitectos eligieron un paramento clásico para la fachada del edificio.

  6. The architects chose a classical parament for the building's facade.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "paramento" does not feature heavily in idiomatic expressions, its components relate to ornamentation. Here are a few examples that can loosely connect with the concept of "paramento":

  1. Al grano: Hacer algo sin adornos ni paramentos.
  2. Let's get to the point: Do something without embellishments or adornments.

  3. Ponerle paramentos a algo: Añadir adornos o embellecer algo que no lo necesita.

  4. To put adornments on something: To add decorations or embellishments to something that doesn't need them.

  5. Un texto sin paramentos: Un texto claro y directo, ohne florituras.

  6. A text without adornments: A clear and direct text, without frills.


The term "paramento" originates from the Latin "paramentum," which translates to "ornament" or "decoration." The root "para-" implies something in front of or added, while "-mento" indicates a state or condition, thus combining to suggest something that is put before or upon in a decorative sense.

Synonyms and Antonyms


