parar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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parar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "parar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Parar" means to come to a halt, to stop moving or doing something. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. The frequency of use is relatively high, especially in everyday conversation. It can refer to physically stopping an action (e.g., stopping a vehicle) or halting an event (e.g., stopping a meeting).

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario parar el coche antes de llegar a la señal.
  2. It is necessary to stop the car before reaching the signal.

  3. Ella decidió parar su trabajo para descansar un momento.

  4. She decided to stop her work to rest for a moment.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Parar" is used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, which convey various meanings. Here are some common ones:

  1. Parar en seco
  2. Meaning: To stop abruptly or suddenly.
  3. Example: El coche tuvo que parar en seco para evitar el choque.

    • The car had to stop suddenly to avoid the crash.
  4. No parar de hacer algo

  5. Meaning: To not stop doing something.
  6. Example: Ella no para de hablar durante la reunión.

    • She does not stop talking during the meeting.
  7. Parar la oreja

  8. Meaning: To pay attention or to listen carefully.
  9. Example: Cuando escuchó la noticia, paró la oreja y prestó atención.

    • When he heard the news, he perked up and paid attention.
  10. Parar el golpe

  11. Meaning: To cushion a fall or mitigate the impact of something.
  12. Example: Usó sus manos para parar el golpe cuando cayó.
    • He used his hands to cushion the fall when he fell.


The word "parar" comes from the Latin "parare," which means to prepare or to make ready. Over time, its meaning evolved to focus on stopping or halting actions.


