pararse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pararse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (Verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Pararse" is a reflexive verb that means to stand up or to get up. It can also mean to stop or to halt in certain contexts. It is commonly used in both oral and written communication. The frequency of usage can vary by region, with the word being commonly used in conversations as well as in formal writing.

Usage Context

Example Sentences

  1. Pararse en medio de la calle no es seguro.
  2. Standing in the middle of the street is not safe.

  3. Ella decidió pararse cuando escuchó la música.

  4. She decided to stand up when she heard the music.

  5. Es difícil pararse después de estar sentado por tanto tiempo.

  6. It is difficult to get up after sitting for so long.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "pararse" itself is a straightforward verb, it can be included in various idiomatic expressions. Here are some:

  1. Pararse de pie (to stand firm)
  2. No importa la dificultad, siempre debemos pararnos de pie en nuestras convicciones.
  3. No matter the difficulty, we must always stand firm in our convictions.

  4. Parar en seco (to stop dead in one's tracks)

  5. Al escuchar la noticia, se paró en seco y no pudo reaccionar.
  6. Upon hearing the news, he stopped dead in his tracks and couldn't react.

  7. Pararse en el camino (to stand in the way)

  8. Nadie debería pararse en el camino de nuestros sueños.
  9. No one should stand in the way of our dreams.

  10. Parar las manos (to stop one's hands, meaning to cease working or moving)

  11. Es hora de parar las manos y descansar un poco.
  12. It's time to stop and rest for a bit.


The verb "pararse" originates from the Latin verb "parare," which means "to prepare" or "to make ready." Over time, its usage evolved in the Spanish language to denote the action of standing or stopping.



This comprehensive information provides insights into the word "pararse," its uses, meanings, and relevancy in Spanish language contexts.
