parcela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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parcela (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Parcela" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/pɑrˈθela/ (in Castilian Spanish) or /parˈsela/ (in Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Parcela" refers to a piece of land, often used for agricultural or property purposes. It can denote a specific part of a larger area or a defined segment of property. The term is frequently used in contexts related to land ownership, agriculture, real estate, and zoning. It has a moderate frequency of use, commonly appearing in both oral and written forms, though more prevalent in written legal or real estate documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Los agricultores compraron una parcela para cultivar verduras.
  2. The farmers bought a plot of land to grow vegetables.

  3. La parcela en la que vive mi familia tiene un hermoso jardín.

  4. The lot where my family lives has a beautiful garden.

  5. Necesito registrar la parcela que he adquirido en la oficina del catastro.

  6. I need to register the parcel I have purchased at the land registry office.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "parcela" is not commonly found in fixed idiomatic expressions. However, it can appear in phrases related to land ownership or real estate context, especially considering the significance of land in laws and economics.

Example Sentences with Contextual Use

  1. La parcela de tierra que herede es muy valiosa.
  2. The parcel of land I inherited is very valuable.

  3. En la ciudad no hay suficientes parcelas para la construcción de viviendas.

  4. In the city, there are not enough lots for housing construction.

  5. Los desarrolladores están interesados en comprar varias parcelas contiguas.

  6. The developers are interested in buying several contiguous parcels.


The word "parcela" comes from the Late Latin term "particella," which means "a small part" or "a portion." This roots down even further to the Latin word "particula," meaning "particle" or "small part." The evolution of the term reflects its association with dividing larger areas into smaller segments.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "parcela" is a term highly relevant in discussions about land use, ownership, and agriculture, with a clear etymological root reflecting its meaning of division and segmentation in land contexts.
