parcial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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parcial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Parcial" is used in Spanish to refer to something that is not whole or complete, often implying a focus on a specific part rather than the entirety. It can also relate to evaluations or opinions that may not be entirely objective or encompassing.

The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, with a notable presence in academic, legal, and technical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El examen final consistirá en una evaluación parcial de los temas tratados durante el curso.
    The final exam will consist of a partial evaluation of the topics covered during the course.

  2. Su opinión sobre el tema es parcial y no refleja la realidad de la situación.
    His opinion on the subject is partial and does not reflect the reality of the situation.

  3. Los resultados del estudio son parciales y necesitarán una revisión más profunda.
    The results of the study are partial and will require further review.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Parcial" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, particularly in academic and legal contexts:

  1. Juicio parcial
    Partial judgment
    La corte emitió un juicio parcial que favoreció a la parte demandante.
    The court issued a partial judgment favoring the plaintiff.

  2. Opinión parcial
    Partial opinion
    Debemos considerar la opinión parcial de los expertos antes de tomar una decisión.
    We must consider the partial opinion of the experts before making a decision.

  3. Resultados parciales
    Partial results
    Los resultados parciales de las elecciones se anunciarán esta noche.
    The partial results of the elections will be announced tonight.

  4. Acción parcial
    Partial action
    Se tomó una acción parcial en respuesta a la crisis, pero se necesitan más medidas.
    A partial action was taken in response to the crisis, but more measures are needed.


The word "parcial" originates from the Latin "partialis," which also means "pertaining to a part." This Latin term is derived from "pars," meaning "part." The evolution of the word through languages has retained its essence of focusing on a subset or fraction of a whole.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Incompleto - Segmentario (in specific contexts) - Fraccionario

Antonyms: - Total - Completo - Integral

This comprehensive breakdown of "parcial" provides insight into its usage, meanings, and context in the Spanish language, as well as idiomatic expressions that incorporate the term.
