pardillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pardillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Pardillo is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "pardillo" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /paɾˈðiʝo/.

Translation Options

The word "pardillo" can be translated into English as: - fool - simpleton - naïve person

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "pardillo" refers to a person who is characterized by a lack of intelligence, experience, or cunning; someone who is easily deceived or tricked. It is often used in both informal and colloquial contexts. The word is relatively common in everyday conversation, especially when describing someone who is perceived as gullible or naive. It tends to be used more in oral speech than in formal written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Esa persona es un pardillo que siempre cree en las historias de los demás.
  2. That person is a fool who always believes the stories of others.

  3. No seas pardillo y revisa bien la información antes de tomar una decisión.

  4. Don’t be naïve and check the information well before making a decision.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Pardillo" is also used in several idiomatic expressions or phrases. Here are some examples that highlight this usage:

  1. Hacer pardillo a alguien.
  2. To make a fool of someone.
  3. Ejemplo: No me gusta hacer pardillo a mis amigos, prefiero que estén informados.
  4. I don’t like to make a fool of my friends; I prefer them to be informed.

  5. Ser un pardillo.

  6. To be a fool.
  7. Ejemplo: Era un pardillo, confiando en que todos le decían la verdad.
  8. He was a fool, trusting that everyone was telling him the truth.

  9. No te dejes tratar como un pardillo.

  10. Don’t let yourself be treated like a fool.
  11. Ejemplo: Si no defiendes tus opiniones, te van a tratar como un pardillo.
  12. If you don’t stand up for your opinions, they are going to treat you like a fool.

  13. En esta ciudad, si eres un pardillo, acabarán aprovechándose de ti.

  14. In this city, if you are a fool, they will take advantage of you.
  15. Ejemplo: Es mejor ser cauteloso; ser un pardillo puede costarte caro.
  16. It's better to be cautious; being a fool can cost you dearly.


The term "pardillo" has its origins in the Spanish language, derived from "pardo," which means "brown" or "dull-colored." Historically, "pardillo" was also used to refer to a type of finch known as the "pardillo común" (common linnet), which might have led to the association with being simple or naive due to the bird's non-aggressive behavior. Over time, the term evolved to describe a simple or gullible person.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sutil - Ingenuo - Tontito - Bobo

Antonyms: - Astuto - Inteligente - Perspicaz - Sabelotodo

In summary, "pardillo" is a versatile term in Spanish used to describe someone who is perceived as naive or easily deceived, often employed in both everyday speech and various expressions.
