pardo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pardo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "pardo" primarily refers to a color that can be described as brown or tawny. It is often used to refer to shades of brown that are more muted or earthy in tone. In various contexts, it may also signify something that is intermediate or mixed, especially referring to colors in animals or nature.

Frequency of Use

The term "pardo" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. However, it tends to appear more frequently in descriptive language, such as literature, art, and discussions related to color and appearance.

Example Sentences

  1. El caballo es de color pardo.
  2. The horse is brown.

  3. Prefiero una chaqueta parda para el invierno.

  4. I prefer a brown jacket for winter.

  5. Los ojos del perro eran de un tono pardo muy bonito.

  6. The dog's eyes were a very nice brown shade.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "pardo" may not be a foundational term in numerous idiomatic expressions, it can appear in certain phrases or colloquial usages related to color, animals, and nature.

  1. No todo lo que brilla es oro; a veces parece pardo.
  2. Not everything that glitters is gold; sometimes it looks brown.

  3. La vida no siempre es color de rosa, a veces es color pardo.

  4. Life isn't always rosy; sometimes it's a dull brown.

  5. Aunque parezca pardo, este tejido es muy resistente.

  6. Even though it looks brown, this fabric is very strong.


The word "pardo" comes from Latin "pardo," which means "brown" and has roots in the term "pārus," meaning "young" or young in color. It has evolved over time to define a specific range of muted brown colors used in various contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "pardo" connects many shades and tones of brown, inviting desciptive color use in diverse contexts, from everyday conversation to literary description.
