pasivos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pasivos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "pasivos" is a noun in plural form. The singular form is "pasivo," which can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "pasivos" refers to persons or things that are passive. In grammar, it denotes passives, which are verbs that emphasize the action being done to the subject rather than the subject performing the action. In a financial context, "pasivos" refers to liabilities, representing debts or obligations that a person or entity must pay.

The word "pasivos" is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about grammar, finance, and economics.

Example Sentences

  1. En la oración "El libro fue leído por María", "el libro" es un sujeto pasivo.
    In the sentence "The book was read by María," "the book" is a passive subject.

  2. En contabilidad, los pasivos representan las deudas de la empresa.
    In accounting, liabilities represent the debts of the company.

  3. Es importante diferenciar entre los activos y los pasivos en un balance general.
    It is important to differentiate between assets and liabilities in a balance sheet.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "pasivos" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions on its own. However, it is often used in phrases related to finance, accounting, and linguistic discussions. Here are some contexts:

  1. "Pasivos contables"
    "Accounting liabilities"
    Las empresas deben registrar todos sus pasivos contables en los informes financieros.
    Companies must record all their accounting liabilities in financial reports.

  2. "Pasivos fiscales"
    "Tax liabilities"
    Es fundamental conocer los pasivos fiscales para evitar problemas con la hacienda.
    It is essential to understand tax liabilities to avoid issues with the tax authorities.

  3. "Cuentas por pagar" son pasivos cortos.
    "Accounts payable" are short-term liabilities.
    Las cuentas por pagar son pasivos que deben ser saldados en menos de un año.
    Accounts payable are liabilities that must be settled within a year.


The word "pasivo" comes from the Latin "passivus," which means "to suffer" or "to be acted upon." It is derived from the verb "pati," which means "to suffer" or "to endure."

Synonyms and Antonyms

- In grammar: "sujeto pasivo" (passive subject)
- In finance: "deudas" (debts)

- In grammar: "activos" (actives)
- In finance: "activos" (assets)


"Pasivos" is a versatile term primarily used in grammar and finance, denoting the passive voice and liabilities respectively. It features prominently in discussions surrounding obligations and grammatical structures in the Spanish language.
