pastoral - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pastoral (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word pastoral functions as an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, pastoral refers to anything related to the pastoral lifestyle, which includes elements of farming, herding, and rural landscapes. It can describe literature, music, or art that reflects the tranquility and beauty of rural life. The term is used in both written and oral contexts, but it may appear more frequently in literary discussions and descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. La poesía pastoral a menudo evoca la belleza del campo.
    Pastoral poetry often evokes the beauty of the countryside.

  2. El pastor llevaba una vida pastoral en las montañas.
    The shepherd led a pastoral life in the mountains.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word pastoral is not extremely common in specific idiomatic expressions, but it is often used to describe situations or contexts that exhibit simplicity or tranquility related to rural life.

Idiomatic Example Sentences

  1. La vida pastoral es un sueño para muchos que viven en la ciudad.
    The pastoral life is a dream for many who live in the city.

  2. A veces, añoro la paz de un ambiente pastoral.
    Sometimes, I long for the peace of a pastoral environment.

  3. El sonido de la naturaleza es una de las bellezas de lo pastoral.
    The sound of nature is one of the beauties of the pastoral.

  4. Disfrutamos de una escapada pastoral el fin de semana.
    We enjoyed a pastoral getaway last weekend.


The word pastoral comes from the Latin term "pastoralis," which means "of a shepherd." It has roots in "pastor," meaning "shepherd," and was initially used to describe works that were characteristic of shepherds or country life.

Synonyms and Antonyms


