que si - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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que si (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Que si" is a phrase that functions primarily as a conjunction in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/kɛ si/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Que si" is used to introduce a conditional or hypothetical statement, often implying doubt or skepticism about the truth of a preceding statement. It's commonly used in conversational Spanish, making it more frequent in oral speech than in written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Me dijiste que sí, que si no llego a tiempo, me llamas.
    "You told me yes, that if I'm not on time, you will call me."

  2. Ella cree que si estudia, pasará el examen.
    "She believes that if she studies, she will pass the exam."

  3. Juan dice que sí, que si va a la fiesta, también llevará comida.
    "Juan says yes, that if he goes to the party, he will also bring food."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Que si" is often part of idiomatic expressions or constructions that convey a sense of uncertainty or deliberation. Here are some examples:

  1. No sé que si vendrá, eso es lo que me intriga.
    "I don't know whether he will come, that's what intrigues me."

  2. Dijo que si gana la lotería, se va de viaje.
    "He said that if he wins the lottery, he will go on a trip."

  3. Me pregunto que si realmente lo hizo.
    "I wonder whether he really did it."

  4. Le dije que si me ayuda, yo lo ayudaré.
    "I told him that if he helps me, I will help him."

  5. Es incierto que si hoy llueve, se cancelará el evento.
    "It is uncertain that if it rains today, the event will be canceled."


The phrase "que si" combines "que," which comes from Latin "quod," meaning "that," and "si," which originates from Latin "si," meaning "if." The usage as a conjunction emphasizes conditions or hypothetical scenarios.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "que si" is a commonly used Spanish phrase that expresses conditional situations or hypotheses, often appearing in everyday conversation. Its frequent use in idiomatic expressions highlights its versatility in informal communication.
