quebrada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quebrada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Quebrada is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Ravine
  2. Canyon
  3. Break (as in a break in something)
  4. Gap

Meaning and Usage

Quebrada generally refers to a geological term describing a steep, narrow valley or a ravine formed by erosion. It can also imply a break or fracture in various contexts. The term is frequently used in a geographical context to describe landscape features, especially in areas with significant elevation changes, such as in mountainous regions.

In Spanish, quebrada is commonly used in both oral and written contexts but may appear more often in written language due to its specific geographical connotation.

Example Sentences

  1. La quebrada es un lugar ideal para hacer senderismo.
    The ravine is an ideal place for hiking.

  2. En la quebrada, hay muchas especies de plantas y animales.
    In the canyon, there are many species of plants and animals.

  3. La quebrada se formó durante miles de años debido a la erosión.
    The break formed over thousands of years due to erosion.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word quebrada does not have many widely recognized idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in figurative language or metaphorical contexts related to breaks, fractures, or obstacles in life.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Estoy pasando por una quebrada en mi vida, pero pronto saldré adelante.
    I am going through a break in my life, but soon I will move on.

  2. Después de la quebrada financiera, aprendí a administrar mejor mi dinero.
    After the financial gap, I learned to manage my money better.

  3. En su relación, tuvieron algunos momentos de quebrada, pero lograron reconciliarse.
    In their relationship, they had some breaks, but they managed to reconcile.


The term quebrada comes from the Spanish verb quebrar, meaning "to break." The noun form reflects a condition of being "broken" or "fractured," often describing the physical appearance of a ravine or a similar geological feature.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desfiladero (gorge) - Barranco (gully)

Antonyms: - Llano (plain) - Planicie (flatland)
