quebradero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

quebradero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Quebradero" is a noun in Spanish that generally refers to something that causes breaking or distress. It can be used literally to refer to something that breaks, or metaphorically to refer to situations, individuals, or experiences that cause significant stress or trouble.

The term is not excessively formal; it is often used in both oral and written contexts, with a slight preference for colloquial speech. It may appear more in discussions where emotional stress is involved, rather than in academic writing.

Example Sentences

  1. El quebradero de cabeza que me causó el examen fue insoportable.
    (The headache caused by the exam was unbearable.)

  2. Después de tanto trabajo, el quebradero se volvió un dolor de muelas.
    (After so much work, the trouble turned into a toothache.)

  3. A veces, los amigos son el mejor remedio para un quebradero de corazón.
    (Sometimes, friends are the best remedy for a heartache.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Quebradero" is often used in idiomatic expressions to convey stress or challenging situations. Here are some idiomatic usages:

  1. Tener un quebradero de cabeza
    (To have a headache – figuratively referring to a troublesome issue.)
    Siempre tengo un quebradero de cabeza cuando se acerca la fecha de entrega.
    (I always have a headache when the deadline approaches.)

  2. Quebradero de corazón
    (Heartbreak or heartache)
    La ruptura con su pareja fue un verdadero quebradero de corazón.
    (The breakup with her partner was a true heartache.)

  3. Causar quebraderos
    (To cause troubles)
    Los problemas de transporte causan muchos quebraderos a la gente que viaja.
    (Transport issues cause a lot of troubles for people traveling.)

  4. Un quebradero de piernas
    (Figuratively refers to a situation that is physically or emotionally exhausting.)
    La mudanza fue un quebradero de piernas para todos.
    (The move was exhausting for everyone.)


The word "quebradero" comes from the verb "quebrar," meaning "to break." The suffix "-adero" commonly indicates a place or a condition related to the root verb. Thus, "quebradero" can be understood as a place or state that involves breaking or causing breaks.


