quebrantamiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quebrantamiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Quebrantamiento" refers to the act of breaking or violating something, such as a law, agreement, or obligation. In legal contexts, it often describes the breach of legal duties or contracts. The term finds relevance in general language, law, and polytechnical domains.

Frequency of Use

The term "quebrantamiento" is not commonly used in everyday conversation but appears frequently in formal and legal contexts. It is more prevalent in written contexts, such as legal documents, academic articles, and reports.

Example Sentences

  1. El quebrantamiento de las normas de seguridad puede provocar accidentes graves.
  2. The breach of safety regulations can lead to serious accidents.

  3. El juez dictó una sentencia por el quebrantamiento del contrato de arrendamiento.

  4. The judge issued a ruling for the breach of the lease contract.

  5. El reportero investigó el quebrantamiento de los derechos humanos en el país.

  6. The reporter investigated the violation of human rights in the country.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "quebrantamiento" is not typically part of common idiomatic expressions, its root word "quebrar" can be used in various idiomatic contexts. Here are some expressions involving "quebrar":

  1. Quebrar el hielo
  2. Es importante quebrar el hielo antes de comenzar la reunión.
  3. It is important to break the ice before starting the meeting.

  4. Quebrar la rutina

  5. A veces es necesario quebrar la rutina para revitalizar nuestra creatividad.
  6. Sometimes, it is necessary to break the routine to revitalize our creativity.

  7. Quebrar en lágrimas

  8. En el funeral, muchos quebraron en lágrimas al recordar al difunto.
  9. At the funeral, many broke into tears when remembering the deceased.


The word "quebrantamiento" originates from the Spanish verb "quebrar," which means "to break." The suffix "-miento" is often used to form nouns that indicate the action or result of a verb, thus denoting the act of breaking or violating something.

Synonyms and Antonyms


