quebrantar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quebrantar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Quebrantar" in Spanish primarily means to break or violate something. It is often used in legal contexts, referring to the violation of laws, regulations, or agreements. The word has a connotation of breaking trust or respect in interpersonal and social contexts as well.

Frequency of Use

The word is used commonly in both oral and written forms, particularly in legal documents, news articles, and discussions regarding law enforcement in countries like Colombia, Costa Rica, and Argentina.

Example Sentences

  1. Los delincuentes han quebrantado la ley.
  2. The criminals have violated the law.

  3. Quebrantar un contrato puede traer consecuencias legales.

  4. Breaking a contract can have legal consequences.

  5. El testigo afirmó que la empresa quebrantó la normativa ambiental.

  6. The witness stated that the company violated environmental regulations.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Quebrantar" is frequently used in idiomatic expressions that convey the ideas of breaking rules, norms, or boundaries.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Quebrantar la confianza
  2. To break trust
  3. "Al mentirle, quebrantó la confianza que teníamos."
  4. "By lying to him, he broke the trust we had."

  5. Quebrantar límites

  6. To break boundaries
  7. "Es importante no quebrantar límites en una relación."
  8. "It is important not to break boundaries in a relationship."

  9. Quebrantar la ley

  10. To break the law
  11. "Quebrantar la ley siempre tiene consecuencias."
  12. "Breaking the law always has consequences."

Additional Idiomatic Examples

  1. Quebrantar promesas
  2. To break promises
  3. "Quebrantar promesas genera desconfianza entre amigos."
  4. "Breaking promises creates distrust among friends."

  5. Quebrantar el silencio

  6. To break the silence
  7. "Al final, decidieron quebrantar el silencio y hablar sobre el problema."
  8. "In the end, they decided to break the silence and talk about the problem."


The word "quebrantar" is derived from the Latin "quebrantare," which means "to break." It combines "quebra," which means a break or fracture, and the infinitive suffix "-tar," which is common in Spanish verbs.


