quebranto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quebranto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word quebranto refers to a significant failure or breakdown, often used in contexts of emotional distress, financial loss, or physical health issues. It can express a sense of despair or a substantial setback in various areas, including legal or economic situations. In general, its frequency of use varies, being more suitable for serious contexts, and it tends to appear more in written forms such as legal documents, literary texts, and formal discussions rather than casual oral conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. La crisis económica ha causado un gran quebranto en muchas empresas.
    The economic crisis has caused a great breakdown in many companies.

  2. El quebranto de su salud le obligó a alejarse del trabajo.
    The breakdown of his health forced him to withdraw from work.

  3. El quebranto financiero fue difícil de superar para esa familia.
    The financial loss was difficult for that family to overcome.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term quebranto is often used in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting its versatility in contexts of loss or distress:

  1. Tener un quebranto
    To have a breakdown/distress
  2. Ejemplo: Después del accidente, él tuvo un quebranto emocional.
    After the accident, he had an emotional breakdown.

  3. Sufrir un quebranto
    To suffer a setback/distress

  4. Ejemplo: La empresa sufrió un quebranto tras la demanda en su contra.
    The company suffered a setback after the lawsuit against it.

  5. Quebranto de corazón
    Heartbreak/heart distress

  6. Ejemplo: El quebranto de corazón que sintió fue abrumador.
    The heartbreak he felt was overwhelming.

  7. Quedar en quebranto
    To be left in distress

  8. Ejemplo: Quedaron en quebranto por la perdida de su negocio.
    They were left in distress due to the loss of their business.


The term quebranto comes from the verbo quebrar, which means "to break." The suffix -anto is commonly used in Spanish to denote nouns indicating a state or condition, so it fundamentally encapsulates the idea of being broken or having suffered a breakdown.

Synonyms and Antonyms
