quebrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quebrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "quebrar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "quebrar" primarily means "to break" or "to shatter." It can refer to physical objects being broken apart, but it is also widely used in legal and economic contexts to mean "to declare bankruptcy."

In Spanish, "quebrar" is often used in both written texts (such as legal documents, economic reports, or literature) and oral speech, although its application in formal settings tends to be more prevalent, particularly when discussing financial issues.

Example Sentences

  1. La compañía decidió quebrar debido a las deudas acumuladas.
    The company decided to declare bankruptcy due to accumulated debts.

  2. Al dejar caer el vaso, se quebró en mil pedazos.
    When I dropped the glass, it shattered into a thousand pieces.

  3. Es difícil ver a un amigo quebrar emocionalmente.
    It is hard to see a friend break down emotionally.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "quebrar" can also appear in several idiomatic expressions, particularly in the context of financial difficulties.

  1. Quebrar en mil pedazos
  2. Significa sentirse extremadamente roto emocionalmente o sufrir una gran decepción.
  3. It means to feel extremely broken emotionally or to suffer a great disappointment.

  4. Después de la ruptura, su corazón se sintió como si se hubiera quebrado en mil pedazos.

  5. After the breakup, her heart felt as if it had shattered into a thousand pieces.

  6. No quebrar la confianza

  7. Una manera de hablar sobre no traicionar la confianza de alguien.
  8. A way of discussing not betraying someone's trust.

  9. Es importante no quebrar la confianza que tenemos entre nosotros.

  10. It’s important not to break the trust we have between us.

  11. Quiebre de confianza

  12. Se refiere a la pérdida de confianza entre personas.
  13. It refers to the loss of trust between people.

  14. El quiebre de confianza fue difícil de reparar en su relación.

  15. The breach of trust was difficult to repair in their relationship.


"Quebrar" comes from the Latin "quebrāre," which means "to break" or "to shatter." The evolution of the term is closely related to various Spanish verbs that denote breaking or shattering actions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Romper (to break) - Fracturar (to fracture) - Desgastarse (to wear out)

Antonyms: - Unir (to unite) - Reforzar (to strengthen) - Construir (to build)

This comprehensive overview of "quebrar" captures its usage, meaning, and nuances in the Spanish language while also outlining its significance in idiomatic expressions and various contexts.
