quechua - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quechua (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Quechua" is primarily a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "quechua" refers to both the indigenous people of the Andes region and the family of languages spoken by these people. The Quechua people are known for their rich cultural heritage, traditional practices, and history, while the Quechua language is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages in the Americas.

Frequency of Use

"Quechua" is a term that is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions surrounding indigenous cultures in South America, anthropology, linguistics, and history.

Example Sentences

  1. Los quechuas han habitado los Andes durante miles de años.
  2. The Quechuas have inhabited the Andes for thousands of years.

  3. Aprendí algunas palabras en quechua durante mi viaje a Perú.

  4. I learned some words in Quechua during my trip to Peru.

  5. La música quechua es fundamental en las celebraciones tradicionales.

  6. Quechua music is fundamental in traditional celebrations.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "quechua" may not be frequently involved in idiomatic expressions, but it is integral to discussions related to indigenous identity and heritage. However, here are a few expressions that incorporate cultural references related to "quechua":

  1. "Hablar en quechua es un orgullo para nuestra comunidad."
  2. "Speaking in Quechua is a pride for our community."

  3. "La vestimenta quechua es rica en simbolismo y tradición."

  4. "The Quechua clothing is rich in symbolism and tradition."

  5. "La cosmovisión quechua nos enseña a vivir en armonía con la naturaleza."

  6. "The Quechua worldview teaches us to live in harmony with nature."

  7. "En la cultura quechua, la tierra es sagrada."

  8. "In Quechua culture, the land is sacred."

  9. "Promover la lengua quechua es importante para preservar la identidad cultural."

  10. "Promoting the Quechua language is important for preserving cultural identity."


The term "quechua" originates from the Quechua word "qichwa," which means "valley" or "to speak." This demonstrates the connection of the language and people to the valleys of the Andes where they primarily reside. The Quechua language family is believed to have been spoken for thousands of years, with roots extending back to pre-Columbian times.

Synonyms and Antonyms



There isn't a direct antonym for "quechua," as it is a specific term referring to a people and their language. However, in a cultural context, one might consider terms representing different ethnic groups such as "mestizo" or "eurodescendiente" (European-descended).

This section presents an overview of "quechua," providing insights into its significance in the Spanish language and the cultural heritage it represents.
