quedarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quedarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "quedarse" is a verb. Specifically, it is an intransitive verb and a reflexive form of "quedar."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Quedarse" is commonly used in the Spanish language to indicate the act of staying in a place or remaining in a particular state. It is often used in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more frequently encountered in spoken language in casual conversations. The frequency of use is high due to its relevance in everyday situations, such as making plans or expressing decisions.

Example Sentences

  1. Me voy a quedar en casa esta noche.
    I'm going to stay at home tonight.

  2. Cuando llegamos, nos quedamos un rato platicando.
    When we arrived, we stayed for a while chatting.

  3. Si te quedas aquí, no te perderás la fiesta.
    If you stay here, you won't miss the party.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Quedarse" is an important part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Quedarse en blanco
    to go blank (as in forgetting how to speak or what to say)
    Example: Cuando estaba en el examen, me quedé en blanco.
    When I was in the exam, I went blank.

  2. Quedarse sin palabras
    to be left speechless
    Example: La noticia me dejó tan sorprendido que me quedé sin palabras.
    The news surprised me so much that I was left speechless.

  3. Quedarse atrás
    to be left behind
    Example: No quiero quedarme atrás en la carrera, tengo que estudiar más.
    I don't want to be left behind in the race; I have to study more.

  4. Quedarse con la boca abierta
    to be left open-mouthed, to be astonished
    Example: Cuando vio el regalo, se quedó con la boca abierta.
    When he saw the gift, he was left open-mouthed.

  5. Quedarse prendado
    to be captivated or enchanted
    Example: Se quedó prendado de su belleza desde el primer momento.
    He was captivated by her beauty from the very first moment.


The verb "quedarse" is derived from the Latin verb "quedare," which means "to stay" or "to remain." Its roots can be seen in other Romance languages that share similar verbs for the concept of staying or remaining.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- permanecer (to remain) - quedarse (to stay) - habitar (to dwell)

- marcharse (to leave) - salir (to go out) - irse (to go away)

Overall, "quedarse" is a versatile verb that plays a significant role in expressing ideas related to staying, remaining, and the state of being, both in idiomatic expressions and everyday conversations.
