quedarse en blanco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quedarse en blanco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "quedarse en blanco" is a verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/keˈðarse en ˈblaŋko/

Translation Options into English

  1. to go blank
  2. to draw a blank
  3. to forget

Meaning and Usage

"Quedarse en blanco" refers to a situation where a person cannot think of anything or cannot recall information, typically during a conversation, exam, or presentation. It conveys a sudden lapse in memory or inspiration. This phrase is used colloquially and is prevalent in both oral and written contexts, particularly in conversations about learning, exams, and public speaking. Its frequency of use can be considered moderate to high, often appearing in everyday interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Durante el examen, me quedé en blanco y no pude recordar nada.
    During the exam, I went blank and couldn't remember anything.

  2. Al hablar en público, a veces me quedo en blanco y olvidó lo que iba a decir.
    When speaking in public, sometimes I draw a blank and forget what I was going to say.

  3. No esperaba esa pregunta y simplemente me quedé en blanco.
    I didn't expect that question and I just went blank.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Quedarse en blanco" is often used in several idiomatic expressions related to memory lapses and confusion. Here are some examples:

  1. Después de estudiar tanto, me quedé en blanco en el examen final.
    After studying so much, I went blank on the final exam.

  2. Cuando le pregunté sobre su presentación, se quedó en blanco por un momento.
    When I asked him about his presentation, he went blank for a moment.

  3. No pude recordar el nombre de la película, simplemente me quedé en blanco.
    I couldn't remember the name of the movie, I just drew a blank.

  4. A veces, es normal quedarse en blanco cuando tienes tanto estrés.
    Sometimes, it’s normal to go blank when you are under so much stress.

  5. En la entrevista, me quedé en blanco cuando me preguntaron sobre mis habilidades.
    In the interview, I went blank when they asked about my skills.


The phrase "quedarse en blanco" combines the verb "quedarse" (to stay or remain) with "en blanco", which literally translates to "in white." The idiom implies the idea of remaining in a state of emptiness or void, much like a blank sheet of paper.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive approach highlights the usage, meanings, and idiomatic aspects of "quedarse en blanco," providing a nuanced understanding of this common Spanish expression.
