quehacer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quehacer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Quehacer is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, quehacer refers to any type of chore, task, or job that needs to be done. It is often used in the context of household duties or responsibilities. The term is commonly used colloquially, especially in conversations related to domestic life, work assignments, or duties. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, making it a versatile term in everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. Tengo muchos quehaceres por hacer este fin de semana.
  2. I have many chores to do this weekend.

  3. Ella siempre se queja de los quehaceres interminables.

  4. She always complains about the endless chores.

  5. Los quehaceres de la casa son más fáciles cuando se hacen en familia.

  6. Household chores are easier when done together as a family.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Quehacer"

  1. Hacer los quehaceres
  2. Literal Translation: To do the chores
  3. Meaning: Refers specifically to performing household duties.
  4. Example: Siempre hago los quehaceres los sábados por la mañana.
  5. Translation: I always do the chores on Saturday morning.

  6. Quehaceres pendientes

  7. Literal Translation: Pending chores
  8. Meaning: Tasks or chores that still need to be completed.
  9. Example: Tengo varios quehaceres pendientes antes de que llegue la visita.
  10. Translation: I have several pending chores before the guests arrive.

  11. A hacer un quehacer

  12. Literal Translation: To do a chore
  13. Meaning: To take responsibility for a specific task.
  14. Example: Voy a hacer un quehacer de limpieza en la cocina.
  15. Translation: I am going to do a cleaning chore in the kitchen.


The word quehacer is a compound of the Spanish word “hacer,” which means “to do or to make.” The prefix "que" relates to the tasks or the actions that need to be done, thus forming the concept of “what to do” or “the tasks to be done.”

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tarea - Labor - Trabajo - Gestión

Antonyms: - Ocio (leisure) - Descanso (rest)

This comprehensive breakdown reflects the understanding and implications of the word quehacer in the Spanish language.
