queja - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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queja (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "queja" refers to a statement of dissatisfaction or an expression of annoyance regarding a situation or action, often directed towards a service, policy, or behavior. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, making it somewhat versatile in its application. The frequency of use is moderate to high, as it commonly appears in customer service dialogues, legal contexts, and personal conversations. The term is frequently heard in oral speech but is also prevalent in written complaints and formal grievances.

Example Sentences

  1. "La queja del cliente fue atendida por el gerente."
    (The customer's complaint was addressed by the manager.)

  2. "Presenté una queja formal sobre el servicio recibido."
    (I submitted a formal complaint about the service received.)

  3. "Su queja se basa en una falta de comunicación clara."
    (Her complaint is based on a lack of clear communication.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Queja" is often found in various idiomatic expressions, which may enhance its value in conversation and writing.

  1. "No hay queja."
    (No complaints.)
    This phrase is used to express satisfaction or a lack of issues with a situation.

  2. "Quejarse como una bandada de patos."
    (To complain like a flock of ducks.)
    This expression highlights excessive whining or complaining in a trivial manner.

  3. "Quejas y lamentos."
    (Complaints and laments.)
    Used to convey the idea of ongoing grievances without resolution.

  4. "La queja es gratis."
    (Complaints are free.)
    This phrase suggests that anyone can express dissatisfaction without any cost, often implying some degree of sarcasm regarding the frequency of complaints.

  5. "Quejarse por quejarse."
    (Complaining for the sake of complaining.)
    It indicates that someone is voicing discontent without good reason.


The word "queja" originates from the Latin term "querella," which means complaint or accusation. The evolution of the term has maintained a similar context around expressing dissatisfaction or grievance throughout its historical use.

Synonyms and Antonyms
