quemar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quemar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (transitive)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Quemar" is a verb that means "to burn." It refers to the act of consuming something with fire, resulting in combustion. In general colloquial use, it can describe anything being burned, from materials like wood or paper to food items that are overcooked. Additionally, "quemar" can be used figuratively to express emotional overload or intensity, as well as in idiomatic expressions.

The term is widely used in both oral and written contexts across different Spanish-speaking countries, including Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Central America. Its frequency of use is relatively high in everyday conversation, where it commonly relates to cooking or fires.

Example Sentences

  1. Quemar la carta fue una decisión difícil.
    Burning the letter was a hard decision.

  2. No olvides que debes quemar la basura antes de que la recojan.
    Don't forget that you must burn the trash before they pick it up.

  3. El sol puede quemar tu piel si no te proteges.
    The sun can burn your skin if you don't protect yourself.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Quemar" appears in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Quemar las naves.
    To burn the ships.
    Meaning: To make an irreversible decision.
    Example: Después de renunciar a su trabajo, decidió quemar las naves para no tener marcha atrás.
    After quitting his job, he decided to burn the ships to have no way back.

  2. Quemar etapas.
    To burn stages.
    Meaning: To rush through a process or skip important steps.
    Example: No debes quemar etapas si quieres aprender bien el idioma.
    You shouldn't burn stages if you want to learn the language well.

  3. Quemar una camiseta.
    To burn a t-shirt.
    Meaning: To become very angry or to blow up due to frustration.
    Example: Cuando le dijeron que había perdido su trabajo, quemó una camiseta.
    When he was told he lost his job, he burned a t-shirt.

  4. Quemar el tiempo.
    To burn time.
    Meaning: To waste time.
    Example: No quiero quemar el tiempo viendo televisión toda la tarde.
    I don’t want to burn time watching TV all afternoon.


The word "quemar" originates from the Vulgar Latin cambāre, which is derived from the Latin word “cāmere,” meaning "to consume" or "to burn."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Incendiar (to set on fire) - Abrasar (to scorch, to burn)

Antonyms: - Apagar (to extinguish) - Sofocar (to smother)
