querella - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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querella (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "querella" specifically refers to a formal legal complaint or accusation. In the legal domain, it is used to describe a type of criminal complaint brought before the courts, often initiated by a harmed party. The frequency of use is moderate, as it is commonly encountered in both oral and written contexts within legal discussions, court documents, and law-related content.

Example Sentences

  1. La querella fue presentada por la víctima ante el juez.
  2. The lawsuit was filed by the victim before the judge.

  3. La defensa argumentó que la querella carecía de fundamento.

  4. The defense argued that the complaint lacked foundation.

  5. Tras la querella, el proceso judicial se hizo más complicado.

  6. After the legal action, the judicial process became more complicated.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "querella" is not typically featured in idiomatic expressions. However, it is integral to legal discourse and can be combined with various verbs and nouns in legal contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. Llevar una querella en contra de alguien.
  2. To file a complaint against someone.

  3. Retirar una querella es un proceso legal complicado.

  4. Withdrawing a lawsuit is a complicated legal process.

  5. La querella fue desestimada por falta de pruebas.

  6. The complaint was dismissed due to lack of evidence.

  7. Presentar una querella es un derecho que tiene toda persona afectada.

  8. Filing a lawsuit is a right that every affected person has.


The word "querella" originates from the Latin term "querella," which means a complaint or lament. The root of its meaning relates to the act of expressing grievance or seeking redress.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview of the term "querella" illustrates its significance in both legal terminology and broader Spanish language use.
