querer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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querer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "querer" is commonly used in Spanish to express desire or intention. It is a highly versatile verb that can convey wanting something, feeling affection towards someone, or expressing a preference.

In terms of usage, "querer" is frequently found in both spoken and written contexts, though it tends to be more prevalent in oral speech due to its everyday conversational nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Quiero comer una pizza esta noche.
    I want to eat a pizza tonight.

  2. Ella quiere mucho a su perro.
    She loves her dog a lot.

  3. ¿Quieres venir a la fiesta conmigo?
    Do you want to come to the party with me?

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "querer" is often part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Querer es poder.
    Where there's a will, there's a way.
    This expression means that if you truly want something, you can achieve it.

  2. No querer ver algo (o a alguien)
    To not want to see something (or someone).
    This phrase is used when someone is intentionally ignoring a fact or person.

  3. Querer con locura.
    To love crazily.
    This expression emphasizes an intense or passionate love.

  4. Cuanto más te quiero, más te voy a dejar.
    The more I love you, the more I will let you go.
    This expression conveys a paradox of love and freedom.

  5. Querer a alguien a rabiar.
    To love someone to death.
    This expression indicates a very deep affection for someone.


The verb "querer" originates from the Latin word "quaerere," which means "to seek" or "to ask." Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to denote wanting or loving, reflecting a quest for possessions or affection.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desear (to desire) - Gustar (to like)

Antonyms: - Despreciar (to despise) - Odiar (to hate)

This comprehensive overview of "querer" highlights its significance in everyday Spanish conversation while showcasing its versatility as a verb that expresses desire and affection.
