quincena - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quincena (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term quincena refers to a period of fifteen days, commonly used in contexts such as payroll (biweekly payments) or referring to time in general. In everyday Spanish, it is often associated with how salaries are disbursed, such as in workplaces that pay employees every 15 days. Its frequency of use is higher in written contexts, particularly in legal, financial, and administrative documents, but it is also used in oral conversations regarding payment periods.

Example Sentences

  1. El próximo pago de la quincena será el viernes.
    The next biweekly payment will be on Friday.

  2. En la quincena pasada, trabajé muchas horas extras.
    In the past fortnight, I worked many extra hours.

  3. La quincena de diciembre siempre es más alta por las bonificaciones.
    The December paycheck is always higher due to bonuses.

Idiomatic Expressions

While quincena is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it is often discussed in the context of payments and work schedules.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Contexts

  1. Cada quincena, deberías ahorrar un poco para imprevistos.
    Every fortnight, you should save a little for unexpected expenses.

  2. Mi jefe siempre dice que en quincena hay que celebrar.
    My boss always says that we should celebrate during payday.

  3. El estrés se acumula, pero al llegar la quincena, todo mejora.
    Stress builds up, but when payday arrives, everything improves.


The word quincena comes from the Latin quindecim, meaning "fifteen." The suffix "-ena," which relates to a period or interval, turning it into a word that describes a time frame of fifteen days.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This thorough exploration of the term quincena highlights its significance across various contexts, particularly in financial and legal discussions in the Spanish language.
