quinta columna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quinta columna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Quinta columna" is a noun phrase. It typically functions as a collective noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/kinta kolumna/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "quinta columna" refers to a group of people who secretly support an enemy or adversarial force, often undermining the efforts of their own group from within. This phrase is most commonly used in political or military contexts to describe traitors or spies who work covertly against their own side.

The phrase is used more in written contexts, particularly in articles, books, and discussions around politics and history. However, it can also appear in oral speech among those discussing related topics.

Example Sentences

  1. En tiempos de guerra, siempre hay una quinta columna que intenta socavar la moral de las tropas.
  2. In times of war, there is always a fifth column that tries to undermine the morale of the troops.

  3. El espionaje es una forma de quinta columna que puede causar mucho daño.

  4. Espionage is a form of fifth column that can cause a lot of harm.

  5. La inteferencia de la quinta columna desestabilizó al gobierno desde adentro.

  6. The interference of the fifth column destabilized the government from within.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "quinta columna" is often used in various idiomatic expressions related to betrayal, treachery, or espionage. Here are a few examples:

  1. "La verdadera amenaza no está en el exterior, sino en nuestra propia quinta columna."
  2. "The real threat is not from the outside, but from our own fifth column."

  3. "Tener una quinta columna en la organización fue devastador para el proyecto."

  4. "Having a fifth column in the organization was devastating for the project."

  5. "Los rumores de la quinta columna se esparcieron rápidamente entre los ciudadanos."

  6. "The rumors of the fifth column spread quickly among the citizens."

  7. "Las acciones de la quinta columna llevaron a la caída del partido."

  8. "The actions of the fifth column led to the downfall of the party."

  9. "Nunca imaginé que tendríamos una quinta columna tan cerca de nosotros."

  10. "I never imagined we would have a fifth column so close to us."


The term "quinta columna" originated during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), attributed to General Emilio Mola, who said that while he had four columns of troops advancing, a "fifth column" of sympathizers would work from within Madrid to assist the attackers. The expression has since evolved to refer more broadly to any group that acts covertly against its own side.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Traidor (traitor) - Espía (spy) - Saboteador (saboteur)

Antonyms: - Patriota (patriot) - Aliado (ally) - Defensor (defender)
