quiste - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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quiste (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "quiste" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "quiste" can be translated into English as "cyst."

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "quiste" refers to a closed sac-like structure containing liquid, semi-solid, or gaseous material. It is commonly used in medical contexts to describe various types of cystic formations that may develop in different tissues of the body. The word is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly in medical literature and conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico le explicó que tiene un quiste en el ovario.
  2. The doctor explained to her that she has a cyst on her ovary.

  3. Los quistes pueden ser benignos o malignos dependiendo de su naturaleza.

  4. Cysts can be benign or malignant depending on their nature.

  5. Es importante observar el tamaño del quiste para determinar el tratamiento adecuado.

  6. It is important to observe the size of the cyst to determine the appropriate treatment.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "quiste" itself is not frequently used in specific idiomatic expressions, it may appear in medical or health-related phrases. Here are some examples that incorporate the word in a broader context:

  1. La salud no se mide por la presencia de un quiste.
  2. Health is not measured by the presence of a cyst.

  3. A veces, es necesario operar un quiste para evitar complicaciones.

  4. Sometimes, it is necessary to operate on a cyst to avoid complications.

  5. Un quiste en el seno no siempre es motivo de preocupación.

  6. A cyst in the breast is not always a cause for concern.

  7. Ella se preocupó al saber que tenía un quiste en el riñón.

  8. She was worried to learn that she had a cyst in her kidney.


The word "quiste" comes from the Latin "cystis," which means a bladder or sac and is derived from the Greek "kystis," meaning “bladder” or “pouch.” This reflects its medical connotation related to sac-like structures in the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - saco (sac) - bolsa (bag)

Antonyms: - ausencia (absence) - vacío (empty)

In summary, "quiste" is a medically significant term used in Spanish, conveying important implications in health discussions while having a straightforward etymological background and relevant usage in both oral and written contexts.
