rabia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rabia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: /ˈra.bja/

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: "Rabia" in Spanish can mean "anger" or "rage." - Usage Patterns: This word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in the Spanish language. It is a frequently used term to express extreme anger or rage.

Verb Conjugation: - As "rabia" is a noun, it does not have different verb tenses.

Example Phrases: 1. "Su actitud irrespetuosa me causa mucha rabia." (His disrespectful attitude makes me very angry.) 2. "No pude evitar sentir una rabia incontenible ante la injusticia." (I couldn't help but feel uncontrollable rage in the face of injustice.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - "Estar ciego de rabia" (to be blinded by rage) - "Pasar de la risa al llanto en un segundo" (to go from laughter to tears in a second) - "Morderse la rabia" (to bite one's tongue) - "Estar de mala leche" (to be in a bad mood) - "¡Qué rabia me da!" (It makes me so angry!) - "Patear el tablero" (to throw in the towel) - "Al pie de la letra" (to the letter) - "Tomar el pelo" (to pull someone's leg)

Etymology: The word "rabia" comes from the Latin "rabies", which had a similar meaning related to rage, fury, or madness.

Synonyms: - Sinónimos (Synonyms): enojo, ira, furia

Antonyms: - Antónimos (Antonyms): calma, tranquilidad, paz