/r a ˈβj o s o/
The word "rabioso" in Spanish generally means "rabid" or "enraged." It describes someone who is intensely angry or someone that displays wildness, similar to a rabid animal. In a medical context, "rabioso" can refer to the state of being rabid, especially in reference to the rabies virus. In everyday language, it is frequently used to describe extreme emotions, particularly anger.
"Rabioso" is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, although it may more frequently appear in written texts due to its more formal tone.
Él estaba rabioso después de enterarse de la traición.
He was furious after learning about the betrayal.
El perro parecía rabioso, ladrando y mostrando los dientes.
The dog looked rabid, barking and showing its teeth.
Su rabioso comportamiento durante la discusión asustó a todos.
His enraged behavior during the argument scared everyone.
The term "rabioso" can be used in various idiomatic expressions, often conveying intensity or madness.
Está rabioso como un león.
He is as furious as a lion.
No lo hagas rabioso; piensa con calma.
Don't act enraged; think calmly.
Ese rabioso deseo de venganza solo te hará daño.
That furious desire for revenge will only harm you.
Cuando se enoja, se vuelve rabioso.
When he gets angry, he becomes enraged.
Tiene una rabiosa necesidad de ser escuchado.
He has a fervent need to be heard.
The word "rabioso" comes from the Latin "rabiosus," which means "furious, mad." It is related to "rabia," which means "rage" or "madness," originating from "rabere," meaning "to seize, to rave." The evolution depicts a strong connection to intense emotions and mental states.
Synonyms: - Furioso - Enfurecido - Airado
Antonyms: - Tranquilo - Calmado - Serene
In summary, "rabioso" is a versatile term in Spanish that conveys emotions of extreme anger and wildness and is frequently used in everyday language, idiomatic expressions, and literature.