ranuradora - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

ranuradora (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription




A ranuradora is a machine used in metalworking to create grooves or slots in a workpiece. It is commonly used in industrial settings for producing parts with precision cuts for keys, splines, or other components.

In the Spanish language, the term "ranuradora" is mostly used in the field of metalworking and polytechnical studies. It is more often found in written contexts and technical manuals than in oral speech due to its specialized nature.


  1. La ranuradora es una herramienta fundamental en la fabricación de piezas metálicas.
  2. The slotting machine is a fundamental tool in the manufacturing of metal parts.
  3. Necesitamos usar la ranuradora para hacer el corte en la pieza de acero.
  4. We need to use the grooving machine to make the cut in the steel piece.

Idiomatic Expressions


The term "ranuradora" comes from the verb "ranurar," which means "to groove" or "to slot." The suffix "-dora" is added to indicate that it is a machine or device that performs the action of grooving or slotting.

Synonyms and Antonyms