rasgo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rasgo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: - IPA: /ˈra.sɡo/ - English Transcription: rahs-goh

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: The word "rasgo" in Spanish refers to a feature, trait, characteristic, or distinctive quality of someone or something. - Usage: This term is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts to describe different characteristics or qualities.

Verb Tenses: - "Rasgo" is a noun, so there are no applicable verb tenses or gerund form for this word.

Example Phrases: 1. "Su sonrisa es un hermoso rasgo de su personalidad."
Translation: "Her smile is a beautiful trait of her personality."

  1. "El rasgo más distintivo de ese cuadro es el uso del color."
    Translation: "The most distinctive feature of that painting is the use of color."

Idiomatic Expressions: - There are no specific idiomatic expressions with the word "rasgo" in Spanish.

Etymology: - The term "rasgo" comes from the Latin word "tractus," which means "act of pulling" or "stroke."

Synonyms: - Similar meanings: característica, atributo, peculiaridad - Opposite meanings: falta, carencia, ausencia

In summary, "rasgo" is a noun in Spanish that refers to a feature or characteristic of someone or something. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. The word has its roots in Latin and can be synonymous with terms like "característica" or "atributo."