reagina - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

reagina (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Use in the Spanish Language

Reagina is a term commonly used in the fields of medicine and biochemistry. It refers to a class of proteins that bind to specific regions of DNA, playing a crucial role in gene regulation and expression. This word is more frequently used in written contexts, especially in scientific literature and academic settings.


  1. El reagina es fundamental para regular la expresión génica.
    Translation: Reagina is essential for regulating gene expression.

  2. Se identificaron nuevas funciones para ciertos tipos de reaginas.
    Translation: New functions were identified for certain types of reaginas.

Idiomatic Expressions

Reagina is not a word that is commonly used in Spanish idiomatic expressions.


The word reagina originated from the Latin word "regina," meaning "queen." In the context of biochemistry and medicine, it was likely derived from the role of these proteins as crucial regulators in genetic processes.

Synonyms and Antonyms