realizar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

realizar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:


Phonetic Transcription:


Meanings and Usage:

The word "realizar" in Spanish means "to carry out", "to accomplish", "to perform" or "to make happen". This verb is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. It is frequently used in various situations to indicate the completion or execution of an action.

Verb Tenses:

Gerund form: realizando


  1. Voy a realizar un examen mañana.
  2. I am going to take an exam tomorrow.

  3. Necesito realizar unas compras antes de regresar a casa.

  4. I need to do some shopping before going back home.

Idiomatic Expressions:

The word "realizar" is often used in Spanish idiomatic expressions to convey specific meanings or ideas. Here are a few examples:

  1. Realizar un sueño
  2. Meaning: To fulfill a dream
  3. Example: Finalmente pude realizar mi sueño de viajar por todo el mundo.

    • Translation: I was finally able to fulfill my dream of traveling around the world.
  4. Realizar un esfuerzo

  5. Meaning: To make an effort
  6. Example: Si quieres tener éxito, debes realizar un esfuerzo adicional.

    • Translation: If you want to succeed, you must make an extra effort.
  7. Realizar una tarea

  8. Meaning: To carry out a task
  9. Example: Mañana debo realizar una tarea importante en la oficina.

    • Translation: Tomorrow I have to carry out an important task at the office.
  10. Realizar un proyecto

  11. Meaning: To execute a project
  12. Example: El equipo de trabajo logró realizar el proyecto a tiempo.
    • Translation: The work team managed to execute the project on time.


The word "realizar" in Spanish comes from the noun "real" which derives from the Latin word "realis", meaning "related to things or objects." The verb form "realizar" evolved to mean "to make something real" or "to carry out."

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: 1. Ejecutar (to execute) 2. Llevar a cabo (to carry out) 3. Concretar (to materialize)

Antonyms: 1. Deshacer (to undo) 2. Fallar (to fail) 3. Abandonar (to abandon)