rebaje por uniforme - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rebaje por uniforme (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

Noun (in Spanish: sustantivo)

Phonetic Transcription:

reˈβaxe poɾ uniˈforme

Translation Options:


"Rebaje por uniforme" refers to a reduction in salary or a specific amount of money that is given to military personnel to cover the expenses of their uniforms. This term is commonly used in the context of military budgets and allowances. It is more frequently used in written contexts, such as official documents or regulations.


  1. El ejército decidió eliminar el rebaje por uniforme el próximo año.
  2. The army decided to eliminate the discontinued allowance for uniforms next year.

  3. A pesar del rebaje por uniforme, los soldados siguen teniendo que costear sus propias prendas militares.

  4. Despite the reduction in salary for uniforms, soldiers still have to pay for their own military garments.

Idiomatic Expressions:

This specific term is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, if we consider the word "rebaje" in a broader sense, here are some idiomatic expressions using it: 1. Dar un rebaje: To give a discount / To lower the price - El comerciante decidió dar un rebaje del 20% en todos los productos. - The merchant decided to give a 20% discount on all products.

  1. Estar de rebajas: To be on sale
  2. La tienda está de rebajas este fin de semana.
    • The store is on sale this weekend.


The word "rebaje" comes from the verb "rebajar," which means to lower, reduce, or diminish. In the context of military allowances, "rebaje por uniforme" specifically refers to the reduction or elimination of a financial benefit related to uniforms.

Synonyms and Antonyms: