rebalsarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rebalsarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used

"Rebalsarse" is a regular verb in Spanish that means "to overflow" or "to overflow oneself." It is fairly common in both oral and written Spanish, but it tends to be more commonly used in written contexts.

Example sentences

  1. El agua empezó a rebalsarse del vaso.
  2. The water started to overflow from the glass.

  3. Las emociones se rebalsaron en su discurso.

  4. Emotions overflowed in his speech.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Rebalsarse" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, here are two examples where the word is part of an expression:

  1. "Rebalsarse de alegría"
  2. Translation: To overflow with joy.
  3. Example: Desde que se enteró de la buena noticia, se rebalsa de alegría. (Translation: Since he found out the good news, he overflows with joy.)

  4. "Rebalsarse de energía"

  5. Translation: To be full of energy.
  6. Example: A pesar de haber trabajado todo el día, él se rebalsaba de energía. (Translation: Despite having worked all day, he was full of energy.)


The word "rebalsarse" comes from the prefix "re-" (indicating repetition or intensity) and the verb "balsar," which means "to discharge water." So, "rebalsarse" emphasizes the idea of water or feelings overflowing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desbordarse (to overflow) - Sobrepasarse (to exceed oneself)

Antonyms: - Contenerse (to contain oneself) - Mantener la compostura (to keep composure)