rebuscar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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rebuscar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

"Rebuscar" is a verb used in Spanish to describe the action of searching thoroughly or meticulously through something, often referring to materials, belongings, or places. It implies a level of care or effort in the search, often associated with looking for something that may be difficult to find.

This word is relatively common in both spoken and written contexts, appearing in everyday conversations as well as in literature and legal documents, particularly when discussing searching or investigating evidence.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a rebuscar en el armario para encontrar mi abrigo.
    I am going to rummage through the closet to find my coat.

  2. La policía tuvo que rebuscar entre los escombros para hallar pruebas.
    The police had to search through the rubble to find evidence.

  3. Siempre rebusca en la basura, ¡nunca sabes qué puedes encontrar!
    He always rummages through the trash; you never know what you might find!

Idiomatic Expressions

While "rebuscar" may not have extensive idiomatic expressions directly involving the word, it does contribute to certain phrases that convey a thorough or diligent search. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Rebuscar en el pasado
    (To rummage through the past)
  2. Esta historia parece necesitar rebuscar en el pasado para entenderse mejor.
    This story seems to require rummaging through the past to be better understood.

  3. Rebuscar entre líneas
    (To read between the lines)

  4. Por favor, rebusca entre líneas para entender realmente lo que el autor está diciendo.
    Please read between the lines to truly understand what the author is saying.

  5. Rebuscar la verdad
    (To seek the truth)

  6. Es crucial rebuscar la verdad antes de formar una opinión.
    It is crucial to seek the truth before forming an opinion.

  7. Rebuscar detalles
    (To search for details)

  8. Siempre necesitamos rebuscar detalles en los contratos antes de firmar.
    We always need to search for details in the contracts before signing.


The verb "rebuscar" is derived from the prefix "re-" meaning "again" and "buscar," which means "to search." The combination suggests a repetitive or thorough act of searching.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insight into the word "rebuscar," highlighting its usage, meaning, and variations in the Spanish language.
