receso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

receso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "receso" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/reˈθeso/ (in Castilian Spanish)
/reˈsɛso/ (in Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Receso" refers to a short break or pause, typically in the context of meetings, legislative sessions, schools, or any formal assembly. It can also denote a break in legal proceedings. The frequency of its use varies, but it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in educational, legal, and organizational settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Durante el receso, los estudiantes salen al patio a jugar.
    During the recess, students go out to the yard to play.

  2. El presidente anunció un receso en la sesión para discutir las propuestas.
    The president announced a recess in the session to discuss the proposals.

  3. Después de un largo receso, reanudamos la reunión.
    After a long recess, we resumed the meeting.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "receso" is not typically part of many well-known idiomatic expressions, it does appear in a few contexts related to breaks or pauses.

  1. Tomar un receso
    To take a break
  2. Es importante tomar un receso cuando te sientes abrumado en el trabajo.
    It’s important to take a break when you feel overwhelmed at work.

  3. Receso legislativo
    Legislative recess

  4. El receso legislativo permitió a los diputados analizar mejor los proyectos de ley.
    The legislative recess allowed the deputies to better analyze the bills.

  5. Dar un receso
    To give a break

  6. La profesora decidió dar un receso antes de continuar con la lección.
    The teacher decided to give a break before continuing with the lesson.


The word "receso" comes from the Latin "recessus," which means "a going back, retreat," deriving from "recedere," which means "to go back." This Latin origin reflects the idea of a step back or pause from an ongoing activity.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- descanso (rest) - pausa (pause)

- continuación (continuation)
- actividad (activity)
