Recinto is a noun in Spanish.
The word recinto refers to a defined space or area that is often enclosed or surrounded by a boundary. It can imply a physical location such as a fenced area or a designated precinct for specific activities like events, gatherings, or legal jurisdictions. The frequency of use for recinto can vary, but it is generally more common in written contexts, especially in formal or legal documents, although it can also be found in oral speech regarding places or events.
El recinto ferial se llena de gente durante la feria anual.
The fairground fills with people during the annual fair.
El recinto escolar cuenta con varias instalaciones deportivas.
The school premises have several sports facilities.
Los animales estaban en un recinto separado del público.
The animals were in an enclosure separate from the public.
The word recinto is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, but it can be found in certain phrases related to defined spaces or legal contexts.
El jardín en la parte de atrás es mi recinto de paz.
The garden in the back is my place of peace.
Recinto sagrado - un lugar que se considera sagrado.
La catedral es un recinto sagrado para muchos.
The cathedral is a sacred space for many.
Dentro del recinto - dentro de un área delimitada.
Animals are not allowed inside the enclosure.
The word recinto originates from the Latin term receptus, which means 'received' or 'enclosed'. It reflects the notion of being contained within a defined area or space.
Overall, recinto is an important term in both general and legal Spanish, signifying enclosed spaces and areas.