The word "recipiente" is a noun.
"Recipiente" in Spanish refers to an object or structure that holds something, typically a liquid or other substances. It is frequently used in various contexts, including cooking, science, and storage. The word is commonly employed in both written and spoken forms, with a slight tendency towards more frequent usage in written contexts, such as technical texts, recipes, and scientific literature.
El recipiente de vidrio es ideal para almacenar alimentos.
The glass container is ideal for storing food.
Necesitamos un recipiente grande para la mezcla.
We need a large container for the mixture.
Este recipiente contiene agua purificada.
This container holds purified water.
While "recipiente" does not form many traditional idiomatic expressions, it appears in various phrases related to storage and containment. Here are some sentences featuring "recipiente" that reflect its usage in different contexts:
Cada recipiente tiene su función específica en la cocina.
Each container has its specific function in the kitchen.
No olvides etiquetar cada recipiente para evitar confusiones.
Don’t forget to label each container to avoid confusion.
Es esencial elegir un recipiente adecuado para la conservación de los productos.
It is essential to choose an appropriate container for the preservation of products.
The word "recipiente" comes from the Latin "recipiens," the present participle of "recipere," which means "to receive." The suffix "-ente" is used to form adjectives in Spanish, indicating an agent or something that performs an action. Therefore, "recipiente" signifies something that receives or holds contents.
Synonyms: - Contenedor - Envase - Caja
Antonyms: - Vacío (empty) - Descartable (disposable)
Overall, "recipiente" is a versatile term with relevance in everyday life, distinct fields such as cooking and science, and in both verbal and written language.