recompensar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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recompensar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

Recompensar in Spanish is a transitive verb that generally refers to the act of making an equivalent return for a service, effort, or loss. It can also imply giving a reward for someone's actions. It is used in both general contexts and more formal settings, including economics and law, where compensation or remuneration might be discussed.

The word sees frequent use in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to economics, justice, and rewards or bonuses in workplaces.

Example Sentences

  1. La empresa decidió recompensar a sus empleados por su arduo trabajo durante el año.
  2. The company decided to recompense its employees for their hard work during the year.

  3. Es importante recompensar adecuadamente a quienes contribuyen al éxito del proyecto.

  4. It is important to reward appropriately those who contribute to the success of the project.

  5. El juez decidió recompensar a la víctima con una indemnización adecuada.

  6. The judge decided to compensate the victim with an appropriate indemnity.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "recompensar" itself is less commonly found in fixed idiomatic expressions, it often appears in phrases related to reward and recognition. Below are some idiomatic phrases that incorporate the idea of recompense or compensation:

  1. Recompensar a alguien con creces
  2. Significado: To reward someone handsomely.
  3. Ejemplo: La generosidad de su donación recompensó a la comunidad con creces.
  4. Translation: His generous donation rewarded the community handsomely.

  5. Recompensar los esfuerzos

  6. Significado: To acknowledge efforts through reward.
  7. Ejemplo: La escuela se asegura de recompensar los esfuerzos de sus alumnos destacados.
  8. Translation: The school makes sure to reward the efforts of its outstanding students.

  9. No hay nada que recompensar

  10. Significado: There is nothing to repay or reward.
  11. Ejemplo: No hay nada que recompensar por su amabilidad, solo daremos las gracias.
  12. Translation: There is nothing to reward for his kindness, we will just say thank you.


The word "recompensar" comes from the Latin term "recompensare," which means to counterbalance or repay. The prefix "re-" indicates repetition or reversal, and "compensare" translates as to compensate.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Compensar (to compensate) - Reembolsar (to reimburse) - Remunerar (to remunerate)

Antonyms: - Castigar (to punish) - Desalentar (to discourage) - Ignorar (to ignore)

Overall, "recompensar" reflects the significant cultural values related to fairness, acknowledgment, and the importance of rewarding individuals' contributions in various domains of life.
