recomponer la tasa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

recomponer la tasa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Verb phrase

Phonetic transcription

/rekompoˈneɾ la ˈtasa/

Translation options


The phrase "recomponer la tasa" is used in economics to refer to the action of re-establishing, adjusting, or restoring a specific rate or fee. It is most commonly used in written contexts, such as economic reports or articles discussing fiscal policies.

Example sentences

  1. El gobierno decidió recomponer la tasa de interés para estimular la economía.
  2. The government decided to recompose the interest rate to boost the economy.

  3. El Banco Central está evaluando recomponer la tasa de cambio para controlar la inflación.

  4. The Central Bank is considering recomposing the exchange rate to control inflation.

Idiomatic expressions

The phrase "recomponer la tasa" is not part of any idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Ajustar la tasa (Adjust the rate) - Restablecer la tasa (Reestablish the rate)

Antonyms - Descomponer la tasa (Break down the rate) - Desequilibrar la tasa (Unbalance the rate)