recordar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

recordar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Verb

Phonetic transcription: /re.koˈðar/

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: The verb "recordar" in Spanish means "to remember" or "to recall." - Usage patterns: This word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a versatile verb used to talk about bringing memories to mind or remembering to do something.

Verb Tenses: - Present: recuerdo, recuerdas, recuerda, recordamos, recordáis, recuerdan - Preterite: recordé, recordaste, recordó, recordamos, recordasteis, recordaron - Imperfect: recordaba, recordabas, recordaba, recordábamos, recordabais, recordaban - Future: recordaré, recordarás, recordará, recordaremos, recordaréis, recordarán - Conditional: recordaría, recordarías, recordaría, recordaríamos, recordaríais, recordarían

Gerund: recordando

Examples: 1. Voy a recordar tu cumpleaños. (I will remember your birthday.) 2. Recuerdo aquellos días de verano. (I remember those summer days.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - A qué viene a cuento: Literally translates to "what does it have to do with it" but is used to express confusion or to question someone’s statement or action. - No entiendo por qué me dices eso, a qué viene a cuento. (I don't understand why you are telling me that, what does it have to do with it.)

Etymology: The word "recordar" comes from the Latin word "recordari," which means "to remember."

Synonyms: - Memorizar (To memorize) - Acordarse (To remember) - Evocar (To evoke)

Antonyms: - Olvidar (To forget) - Ignorar (To ignore)