recostar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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recostar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (Verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "recostar" in Spanish typically means to lean or to recline something against another surface. Additionally, it can imply the act of lying down or resting. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a slight preference for everyday conversation.

Frequency of Use

"Recostar" is used quite frequently in casual conversation when discussing relaxation, rest, or positioning oneself or objects. It is equally acceptable in descriptive writing and instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta recostar la cabeza en el sofá cuando miro televisión.
    I like to lean my head on the sofa when I watch television.

  2. Ella se recostó en la cama para descansar un poco.
    She reclined on the bed to rest a bit.

  3. No olvides recostar el cuadro contra la pared.
    Don't forget to lean the painting against the wall.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "recostar" is not a part of many idiomatic expressions by itself, it can be used in various contexts that may hint at broader meanings. Here are a few examples illustrating how "recostar" can be included in expressions or sentences:

  1. Recostarse en los laureles.
    To rest on one's laurels.
    No puedes recostarte en los laureles después de un buen trabajo, siempre hay que seguir esforzándose.
    You can't rest on your laurels after a good job; you always have to keep striving.

  2. Recostar algo en un lugar seguro.
    Lean something in a safe place.
    Asegúrate de recostar la bicicleta en un lugar seguro para que no la roben.
    Make sure to lean the bike in a safe place so it doesn't get stolen.

  3. Recostarse un rato.
    To lie down for a while.
    Voy a recostarme un rato antes de la cena.
    I’m going to lie down for a while before dinner.


The word "recostar" comes from the prefixed form of "cotar", which itself derives from the Latin "costare," meaning "to rest." The prefix "re-" in Spanish often implies repetition or a return to a previous state, making "recostar" suggest a restorative action of leaning or reclining.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview covers the word "recostar" within the specified domains, providing insights into its usage, frequency, and broader linguistic context.
