recurso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

recurso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun (masculine)

Phonetic transcription: /reˈkuɾso/

Meanings: 1. Resource, means, or tool that can be used to achieve a specific purpose or goal. 2. Recourse, the action of turning to someone or something for assistance or support.

Usage patterns: The word "recurso" is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a versatile term that can refer to different types of resources or means depending on the context.

Verb forms: As "recurso" is a noun, it does not have specific verb forms.

Example phrases: 1. Necesitamos utilizar todos los recursos disponibles para resolver este problema. (We need to use all the available resources to solve this problem.) 2. Si tienes algún problema, mi puerta está abierta como recurso de ayuda. (If you have any problems, my door is open as a resource for help.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Recurso" is not commonly used as part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish.

Etymology: The word "recurso" comes from the Latin term "recursus," which means "a running back, return."

Synonyms: - Medio (means, resource) - Ayuda (help, assistance) - Solución (solution)

Antonyms: - Carencia (lack) - Limitación (limitation) - Escasez (scarcity)