redundar en perjuicio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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redundar en perjuicio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb phrase

Phonetic transcription

/re.dunˈdaɾ en peɾˈxwixjo/

Translation options into English


"Redundar en perjuicio" is a Spanish phrase that means to result in harm, to be detrimental, or to have negative consequences. It is commonly used to describe situations where an action or decision leads to negative outcomes or damages.

This phrase is more commonly used in written contexts, such as formal documents, articles, or legal texts, to express the negative consequences of an action.


  1. Sus decisiones precipitadas siempre redundan en perjuicio de la empresa. Translation: His hasty decisions always redound to the detriment of the company.

  2. La falta de transparencia en la administración pública puede redundar en perjuicio de la democracia. Translation: The lack of transparency in public administration can lead to harm to democracy.

  3. La corrupción en el gobierno suele redundar en perjuicio de la población más vulnerable. Translation: Corruption in the government often results in harm to the most vulnerable population.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, the word "perjuicio" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions. Here are a few examples: 1. "A costa de su propio perjuicio": At his own expense / To his own detriment - Juan trabajó horas extra a costa de su propio perjuicio. Translation: Juan worked overtime at his own expense.

  1. "Sin perjuicio de": Without prejudice to / Notwithstanding
  2. El acuerdo entrará en vigor mañana, sin perjuicio de cualquier modificación. Translation: The agreement will come into force tomorrow, notwithstanding any modification.

  3. "En perjuicio de alguien/algo": To the detriment of someone/something

  4. El aumento de impuestos ha sido en perjuicio de la clase media. Translation: The tax increase has been to the detriment of the middle class.


Synonyms and Antonyms