reflejo condicionado, condicional - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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reflejo condicionado, condicional (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun (reflejo condicionado); Adjective (condicional)

Phonetic transcription

Usage in Spanish

"Reflejo condicionado" is a term used in psychology to refer to a type of learned response in which a neutral stimulus elicits a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally elicits a response.

"Condicional" in Spanish means "conditional" and is used to describe something that is dependent on a particular condition or circumstances.

These terms are more common in written contexts, specifically in academic or scientific literature.


  1. El famoso experimento del perro de Pávlov demostró el concepto de reflejo condicionado.
  2. The famous Pavlov's dog experiment demonstrated the concept of conditioned reflex.

  3. La oferta está condicionada a la aprobación del departamento de gestión.

  4. The offer is conditional on the approval of the management department.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Tener algo condicionado
  2. Tengo mi ayuda condicionada a tu sinceridad.

    • I have my help conditioned on your honesty.
  3. Dependiendo de las circunstancias

  4. Mi decisión estará condicionada por lo que ocurra mañana.
    • My decision will be conditional on what happens tomorrow.


Synonyms and Antonyms