reflejo humoral - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

reflejo humoral (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

/ˈre.fle.xo u.moˈɾal/


The term "reflejo humoral" is used in the Spanish language in the field of medicine. It refers to a type of reflex that involves the secretion of hormones in response to a stimulus. This term is more commonly used in written medical literature rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example sentences

  1. El reflejo humoral es una respuesta fisiológica del cuerpo a ciertos estímulos.
  2. The humoral reflex is a physiological response of the body to certain stimuli.
  3. La investigación se centró en el estudio de los mecanismos del reflejo humoral en pacientes con diabetes.
  4. The research focused on studying the mechanisms of the humoral reflex in patients with diabetes.

Idiomatic expressions

In the medical context, "reflejo humoral" is not part of any common idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


Synonyms and Antonyms