reforzar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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reforzar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Verb

Phonetic transcription: /ɾe.forˈθar/

Meanings: The word "reforzar" in Spanish means "to reinforce" or "to strengthen". It is used to indicate the action of making something stronger or more resistant.

Usage patterns: "Reforzar" is a commonly used verb in Spanish, both in oral and written contexts. It is frequently used in various contexts, such as describing physical reinforcement, support, or intensifying something.

Verb forms in different tenses: - Present tense: refuerzo, refuerzas, refuerza, reforzamos, reforzáis, refuerzan - Imperfect tense: reforzaba, reforzabas, reforzaba, reforzábamos, reforzabais, reforzaban - Preterite tense: reforcé, reforzaste, reforzó, reforzamos, reforzasteis, reforzaron - Future tense: reforzaré, reforzarás, reforzará, reforzaremos, reforzaréis, reforzarán

Examples: 1. Quiero reforzar la estructura del edificio. (I want to reinforce the building's structure.) 2. Es importante reforzar tus conocimientos antes del examen. (It's important to strengthen your knowledge before the exam.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Reforzar" is also used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish: 1. Reforzar la seguridad: to tighten security - Debemos reforzar la seguridad de la casa. (We must tighten the security of the house.)

  1. Reforzar la confianza: to boost confidence
  2. El éxito del proyecto nos ayudó a reforzar nuestra confianza. (The success of the project helped us boost our confidence.)

  3. Reforzar la idea: to reinforce the idea

  4. Vamos a reforzar la idea con ejemplos concretos. (We are going to reinforce the idea with specific examples.)

  5. Reforzar los lazos: to strengthen bonds

  6. Este viaje nos ayudó a reforzar los lazos familiares. (This trip helped us strengthen family bonds.)

  7. Reforzar los cimientos: to strengthen the foundations

  8. Es fundamental reforzar los cimientos de la empresa para que perdure en el tiempo. (It's essential to strengthen the company's foundations to make it last over time.)

Etymology: "Reforzar" comes from the Latin word "re" (back, again) and "fortiare" (to make strong), which combined give the meaning of "to strengthen" or "to reinforce".

Synonyms: - fortalecer (to strengthen) - consolidar (to consolidate) - endurecer (to harden)

Antonyms: - debilitar (to weaken) - deshacer (to undo) - desmontar (to dismantle)