región ciliar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

región ciliar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription

/ reˈxjon θiˈlar /

Translation options into English

Ciliary region


The term "región ciliar" refers to the area of the eye that encompasses the ciliary body, an important structure involved in the production of aqueous humor, which is essential for maintaining eye pressure. This term is more commonly used in medical contexts, both in written and oral speech, especially when discussing ophthalmology or eye anatomy.

Example sentences

  1. La inflamación en la región ciliar puede causar problemas de visión. Translation: Inflammation in the ciliary region can cause vision problems.
  2. Se detectó un desgarro en la región ciliar durante el examen ocular. Translation: A tear in the ciliary region was detected during the eye exam.

Idiomatic expressions

In this case, "región ciliar" is not typically part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


The word "región" comes from the Latin "regio," meaning region or territory. "Ciliar" comes from the Latin "ciliaris," related to "cilium," which means eyelash or cilia. Therefore, "región ciliar" literally translates to the ciliary region or area around the cilia.

Synonyms and Antonyms