relé fotosensible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

relé fotosensible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈrele fotoˈsensjβle/

How the word is used in the Spanish language

The term "relé fotosensible" is used in the technical and polytechnical fields. It refers to a photosensitive relay, a component that operates in response to light.

This term is not as commonly used in everyday conversation but is more frequent in written technical documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. El circuito está equipado con un relé fotosensible para activar el sistema de iluminación automáticamente.
  2. The circuit is equipped with a photosensitive relay to activate the lighting system automatically.

  3. El relé fotosensible detectó la disminución de luz y encendió las luces del jardín.

  4. The photosensitive relay detected the decrease in light and turned on the garden lights.

Idiomatic Expressions

In this technical context, "relé fotosensible" is not usually used in idiomatic expressions. It is more of a straightforward term for a specific component.


Synonyms and Antonyms